Let Jesus Rewrite Your Life Story
We Are Revision Church

At Revision Church, we create an environment where you feel like family, even if it’s the first time you’ve spent with us. We consistently bring radiant energy to all of our endeavors, and promise to always keep things real and practical. The members of our community understand that worship doesn’t just take place on Saturday, and that God’s love knows no bounds. Revision is about growth and progress. We relentlessly invest in the cultivation of both personal and communal faith. Join us and ignite the movement—we’re happy you’re here.

Guiding Values

1=99: We exist to present the transformative story of Jesus to those who are spiritually curious and in need of a reintroduction to Jesus. We acknowledge it is very easy to listen to the 99 and forget that ministry is primarily for the 1 who has not yet come to believe.

Playing It Safe Is Risky: We are willing to take faith-filled, Spirit-led risks to accomplish the great things God wants to do through us. If we play it safe, we run the risk of God not getting the credit for our success.

Every Person Counts: We believe that every person within our community should be involved and using their spiritual gifts. We believe every person has great worth and can make a great contribution to our mission.

Listen And Learn: We are a learning community of believers. Our community understands that we must keep studying the scriptures to learn the best organizational practices and help the ministry be most effective. If we stop learning, we begin the process of dying.

Keep It Simple: We believe that the simpler things last the longest. Simplicity in our ministry strategy helps in limiting ineffective practices and programs from lingering on.

Worship Is Serving: Our definition of worship includes the act of showing the love of God in active service with and to our community. Worship service isn’t an event to attend. We worship God when we are at work with Him in our local and global community.

Get In Good Trouble: We love our neighbors and believe in getting in “good trouble.” We believe that we have a responsibility to engage in the work of social justice—to empower the voices of those ignored, protest with the powerless, and advocate for systemic change.

We Belong Together: We believe in deep relationships that move beyond the surface. We are committed to speaking honestly, practicing accountability, and helping each other be the best we can be. We are here for each other because no one can grow in their relationship with Jesus alone.

Rest Is Refreshing: We believe in taking 24 hours of unhurried time with no work or weekday tasks so that we can create space to reflect on God’s grace and receive spiritual refreshing.

Vision And Mission
Driven by Faith, Committed to Impact

Our Vision: In the next five years, we will ignite a movement of spiritual transformation in the greater Atlanta area by reintroducing Jesus to 10,000 people.

Our Mission: Our ministry exists to re-introduce Jesus to the city of Atlanta by leveraging the power of prayer, personal influence, community development, and love to bring about spiritual transformation.

Dr. Wesley Knight, Lead Pastor

Dr. Wesley Knight is the Pastor of Revision Church Atlanta and CEO of Communiversity, a nonprofit for leadership training and ministry consulting. A graduate of Oakwood University (B.A.) and Andrews University (M.Div.), he earned a D.Min. from McCormick Theological Seminary. Passionate about preaching, social justice, and youth empowerment, he was inducted into the Martin Luther King Jr. Board of Preachers at Morehouse College. He is married to Stephanie, a Pediatric Occupational Therapist and CEO of Playology Therapy Clinic, and they have two children. His book, Thirst: Quenching Your Deepest Desire, is available on Amazon.

Elder Stephanie Knight

Stephanie Knight is the founder of Playology Therapy Services and a dedicated Pediatric Occupational Therapist. She has been preaching since age 12 and is passionate about mentoring, prayer, and faith-based empowerment. Her greatest joy is her family—her husband, Wesley, and their children, Aja and Ajani.